G-d save the Queen!!

I helped babysit some little girls this weekend. I got them to calm down and draw with me. I started with the head while they all started drawing Princesses...so I changed my drawing to a Princess. They said that it looked like a "boy Princess"...so I decided that she was the Queen. makes sense to me!


No, join us...

...it's ok, I guess...
Hello all! I've got a new shirt design up on threadless! It would be quite helpful if you'd head on over and give it a great score!! Comments don't hurt either ;) (you'll have to sign up for a free account if you don't already have one) Just click the widget below and it'll take you to see the design! :)

1 Up - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Thanks in advance!

Friend or Foe

Another page from a book that may never be...

Winners Week, Pt. 2

I worked on nearly 25 concepts for this client - #20 was the winner! Here's to persistence! The auction is a place where agricultural and commercial/construction equipment can be auctioned off - the gear represents the commercial/construction aspect of their business and serves as the Sun coming up over rows of a field, representing the agricultural aspect of their business!


Winners Week, Pt. 1

I came up with the name and logo for this company - they take old pcs and refurbish them to be used again! I worked with them and came to a design they really liked! So if you see one of their stores around, or if you ever visit their website (coming soon)...think of me! ;)

